The online home of John Pollard

Privacy Policy for My Apps

In an ideal world I'd like to transition to a fully self-hosted analytics and notification service, but until such a solution exists, I can’t see any practical alternative to using offerings such as those provided by Google

N.B. I posted an update to this policy in June 2019

There has been lots of news recently about privacy, driven mostly by Facebook’s rather laissez-faire approach over the years, as well as the upcoming GDPR changes required by the EU.

I’m pretty happy with the general tone of GDPR, and although it adds overhead to the development process, I think forcing developers to be clear about their use of your data is a very good thing.

Therefore I thought it would be a good time to outline the approach I generally take on my mobile apps around data, and try to justify the trade-offs I’m making.

Crash monitoring using Crashlytics

It’s extremely useful to have a crash monitoring reporting system in place, so I can see any problems as soon as possible. If an app is having non-critical but important problems it’s good that I can diagnose and fix any issues promptly (especially now Apple’s review process is much quicker).

I also get basic usage figures (daily and monthly active users) from Crashlytics that are sufficient for what I need.

Crashlytics is part of the Fabric suite of apps that was part of Twitter and has recently been bought by Google. I really like the simplicity of both their integration process and their website.

Obviously they/Google - like most of their development tools - give this away so they can get aggregated data about which apps are popular, presumably for search ranking and other corporate needs.

I also assume they do send enough information that allows them to piece together a (semi-)anonymous usage pattern for all the apps on a device that use Crashlytics, but that’s just idle speculation.

I think the trade off is (just about) fine, especially as there is no open-source self-service alternative that I know about. I’d definitely be interested in such a solution if it’s was easy to install and maintain, but practically I don’t have the time or interest to roll my own. I’m definitely going to investigate this more though.

Google Analytics

A couple of my clients have existing Google Analytics solutions for their websites, so I’ve added GA tracking into their apps so they have a one-stop solution.

I’ll only do this is really necessary, as for me the Crashlytics-only solution outlined above is sufficient. I don’t want to capture more information than necessary. However now that Crashlytics are owned by Google I’m not sure this policy makes sense, and I suspect the products will be merged together in the not too distant future.

Firebase notifications

For those apps that require remote notifications, I’ve moved over using Firebase to manage this process.

Firebase offer a nice cross-platform solutions for sending notifications, and again offer something I really don’t want to build myself.

Firebase is another Google acquisition, so just about all the caveats I mentioned above for Crashlytics apply here also.


Clearly I’m heavily dependent on using free Google services to provide useful services to help run and maintain my apps.

On iOS at least, Apple’s dedication to privacy means I think the trade-off is a reasonable one as the amount of personal information transmitted is reasonably restricted.

On Android, I’d assume that because the user is almost certainly logged into a Play Store account it’s easier for Google to join the dots on what you’re running on your device, but seeing as their Play Store data exposes that anyway it’s no additional change in your privacy.

In an ideal world I’d like to transition to a fully self-hosted analytics and notification service, but until such a solution exists, I can’t see any practical alternative.

Let me know on Mastodon via if you know of a good alternative solution!