The online home of John Pollard

Brave Location Voice-Driven Apps

If you want to get in touch, contact me directly at:

phone: +44 7968 968424


A few years ago I started developing voice-driven applications, and here's what I've built so far ...

Simply Conveyancing

I worked with Simply Conveyancing in early 2019 to prototype and build some chatbots to help their customers find information about their property transactions, using both voice (Alexa) and inside a web application (using Azure Chatbot).


Miss Positive

I built an Alexa Skill called "Miss Positive" to try to encourage an optimistic outlook on life.

All this simple but effective skill does is answer any question you ask with a randomly selected positive answer.

You can read more about this on this blog post.


Yeltzland - Stuff about Halesowen Town

As well as being on (many!) other platforms, I've developed an Alexa Skill so you can Ask Alexa to tell you about information about the fixtures and scores for the mighty Yeltz, as well as an Apple TV app.

The app is an Open Source project, so if you're interested in the code it's available on GitHub.

I've also implemented the same functionality for Google Assistant, as well as adding Siri support into the iOS app.
