The online home of John Pollard

Yeltzland Notifications

Unfortunately, because Twitter has decided to end access to their content via their API (other than paying exorbitant amounts of cash), I can’t send the ‘Game Time Tweets’ any more.

This may change in the future, but for now, here are some alternatives if you still want to get alerts of the scores etc. during the game.

Football Web Pages

Football Web Pages is currently the best source of data for non-league scores - the app uses it for the League Table data (and the current score going forward)

If you install their iOS or Android app, you can get notifications for one team - which is all you need, right?

When we were in the NPL, I believe it was mandatory for teams to use the app. Now we are back in the worse Southern League I’m not sure if this will be as reliable, but I really hope so 🤞

You can install their apps following the instructions here.


If you want all the in-play details, you can turn on notifications for the club Twitter account

The slight downside of this is you get notifications for ALL club tweets (rather than just during the match), but that’s hopefully not a big problem.

The the screenshot below where you can enable this

Screenshot of Twitter notifications button.


FotMob is my favorite source for all football score updates.

I use FotMob to get real-time updates for my other teams, and now we’ve got back up to level 3 we should feature in there too.

Definitely recommended (assuming the updates for level 3 are up to the standard I’ve seen for all the other teams I follow)

Get the apps for iOS or Android, and then enable notifications tailored to exactly what you need.