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debugger command in JavaScript

Originally posted on my old MSDN blog

I don't do much client-side JavaScript programming, and I've always had intermittent issues when trying to attach a Visual Studio debugger to a instance of IE when I'm trying to figure out what's going on.

However in August 2007's MSDN Magazine (doesn't seem to be available online yet - page 52 in magazine) it talks briefly about the debugger JavaScript command, which forces the browser to bring up the elusive "debugger dialog". Very useful!

I'm not sure how well this is supported across different browsers, but for my non-expert use knowing about the debugger command certainly will make my life easier when I step into the crazy world of JavaScript.

Some more details at 

SQL Parameters and Types

Originally posted on my old MSDN blog

I found the following page interesting when having issues setting a value in a SqlParameter constructor.


When you specify an Object in the value parameter, the SqlDbType is inferred from the Microsoft .NET Framework type of the Object.

Use caution when you use this overload of the SqlParameter constructor to specify integer parameter values. Because this overload takes a value of type Object, you must convert the integral value to an Object type when the value is zero, as the following C# example demonstrates

Parameter = new SqlParameter("@pname", Convert.ToInt32(0));

I guess it makes sense once it's explained, but it's not immediately clear when you just use 0 rather than Convert.ToInt32(0) why it doesn't work as expected

Performance Counters Fun

Originally posted on my old MSDN blog

Recently had some issues setting up some custom perf counters to install and run from an ASP.Net page that I thought I'd share.

We began by using the information in which states:

"It turns out that the permission set required to update performance counters is much smaller than running as an Administrator or Power User.  In the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib, set the Access Control List so that the necessary user has Full Control. In our original example, the ASPNET user would be granted Full Control, but access can be granted to anyone who needs to update a performance counter."

However I mistakenly assumed that as that setting those permissions would also enable the counters to be created, which is wrong. From the comments in we found out it's more complicated than that:

"For 2003 I did the following changes:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\009 - Added permissions for Network Service
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services - Added permissions for Network Service
C:\WINNT\system32\perf*009.dat - Added full permissions for Network Service on all matching files.
After that it worked like a charm."

We didn't try the above solution, as after a little more thinking we gave up trying to install the counters on the fly and wrote some code that runs as part of the site installation (and hence runs as an Administrator which means it will definitely have permission to create the counters).

It's a lot cleaner doing it that way, and changes less permissions on the server which is always a good thing from a security point of view.

If you're interested. the code uses the System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationData class to create the counters on the web server if they're not already installed - see the documentation if required as it's pretty easy to use.

CTRL + Click opens new tab in IE7

Originally posted on my old MSDN blog

Is this a well known trick and I'm just completely out of touch? Probably, but I was very excited when I found out that holding down CTRL when clicking a link in IE7 will open the link in a new tab.

To think all this time I was using right click and then "Open In New Tab". I guess my productivity has just gone up by 0.1% :-)

Finding currently installed MSIs

Originally posted on my old MSDN blog

I was struggling to install some new software (the superb new Live Local 3D view - I had an early internal beta already installed) and then remembered a handy tip.

To find all currently installed MSIs, use the (hidden) folder c:\windows\Installer. It gives you a nice browseable view of the current state of the system, and can be invaluable in tracking down what the system currently thinks is installed.